Thursday 16 April 2009

That is what we call love the boy said...

When you are loved, you can do anything in creation.
When you are loved there's no need at all to understand what's happening,
because everything happens within you,
and even men can turn themselves into the wind.
As long as the wind helps us of course...

The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho

I am missing what I love right now...

watching boys herd cows in the bush

going to the Met with my best girls - studying Pollock

New York, everything New York

plus Pete

Live in Light with LOVE



  1. Crackberry Momma16 April 2009 at 19:41

    and I am missing a Reeses' Peanutbutter cup or 2 or 3 ........

  2. Crackberry Momma... unfortuanetly for you i'm munching on some my good american friend brought back for me!! a strange mixture of reeces cups and dates does taste surprisingly good... all those lovers of peanut butter and dates should give it a go!!

  3. Ah Jacques! Big hugs from across the pond! I know it may be hard to believe now, but one day in the not so distant future, when you have graduated and you and Pete are all snuggle up in your townhouse (in its architectural glory) in Brooklyn, you will think back and say "Hey, I actually miss ST A!" Strange but true. I catch myself saying the words aloud recently.
    P.S Loved The Alchemist! Just read "The Book of Negroes", AmaZINg, you NEEd to read it, that and "3 cups of tea". Can I send you anything from home?

  4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    It might be really hard, but to miss these people and places reveals how much you truly care about them. (You are alive and feeling!) And it will make you cherish them all the more when you are are back with them.

    (I hope I don't sound too crazy...)

  5. The alchemist is one of my favorite books! Right now I am missing spending time absorbed in a really good book.

    A few other books I would really recommend are "The Power of One" by Bryce Courtenay, and "Ishmael" and "The Story of B", both by Daniel Quinn. I know I told Jacki about these, but I want to share them with everyone! xox

  6. Kelly, I absolutely love the The Power of One. It is one of my all time favourite books - I can still remember crying over Grandpa Chook.

    Sending everyone a huge hug to get through the weekend!


  7. A beautiful to be cherished and placed in the 'quote book'...Could not agree more. We create our own love and show it in so many different ways... Anna x
